... $\langle \phi_{k_1} \phi_{k_2}
\rangle = \pi   \delta^1_2, \;\; \langle \phi_{k_1} A_{k_2} \rangle =
We start by considering fields in a periodic box which is an essential intermediate step in the definition of RPA and the new correlators $M^{(p)}_k$ introduced later in this work. Therefore $\delta^1_2$ here is the Kronecker symbol. Later, we take the large box limit corresponding to homogeneous wave turbulence.
This property is typically not mentioned explicitly (but used implicitly) when RPA is employed.
... limit.[*]
Thus, assuming a finite box is an important intermediate step when introducing the relevant to the fluctuations objects like $ Q_k$.
... follows,[*]
We will follow the RPA approach as presented by Galeev and Sagdeev [3] but deal with a slightly more general case where the wave field is not restricted by the condition $\overline a(k) = a(-k)$. We will also use elements of the technique and notations of [2].
... limit[*]
The large box limit implies that sums will be replaced with integrals, the Kronecker deltas will be replaced with Dirac's deltas, $\delta^l_{m+n}\to\delta^l_{mn}/{\cal V}$, where we introduced short-hand notation, $\delta^l_{mn}=\delta(k_l-k_m-k_n)$. Further we redefine $M^{(p)}_k/{\cal V}^p \to M^{(p)}_k$.
Note that $\lim\limits_{T\to\infty}E(0,x)= (\pi
\delta(x)+iP(\frac{1}{x}))$, and $\lim\limits_{T\to\infty}\vert\Delta(x)\vert^2=2\pi T\delta(x)$ (see e.g. [2]).