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Four-wave case

Consider a weakly nonlinear wavefield dominated by the 4-wave interactions, e.g. the water-surface gravity waves [1,6,29,28], Langmuir waves in plasmas [1,3] and the waves described by the nonlinear Schroedinger equation [7]. The a Hamiltonian is given by (in the appropriately chosen variables) as

$\displaystyle {\cal H}={\cal H}_2 + {\cal H}_4
= \sum_{n=1}^\infty \omega_n\ver...
W^{lm}_{\mu\nu} \bar c_{l} \bar c_m c_\mu c_\nu.$      

As in three-wave case the most convenient form of equation of motion is obtained in interaction representation, $ c_l=b_l e^{-i \omega_l t}$, so that

$\displaystyle i \dot b_l = \epsilon \sum_{\alpha\mu\nu} { W^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu}}...
... b_\alpha b_\mu b_\nu e^{i\omega^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu}t} \delta^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu}$ (11)

where $ W^{l \alpha} _{\mu \nu} \sim 1$ is an interaction coefficient, $ \omega^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu} =
\omega_l+\omega_{\alpha}-\omega_{\mu}-\omega_{\nu}$. We are going expand in $ \epsilon$ and consider the long-time behaviour of a wave field, but it will turn out that to do the perturbative expansion in a self-consistent manner we have to renormalise the frequency of (14) as

$\displaystyle i \dot a_l = \epsilon \sum_{\alpha\mu\nu} { W^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu}}...
...e^{i\tilde\omega^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu}t} \delta^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu} - \Omega_l a_l,$ (12)

where $ a_l = b_l e^{i \Omega_l t} \;\;$, $ \tilde \omega^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu}
= \omega^{l\alpha}_{\mu\nu}
+\Omega_l+\Omega_\alpha-\Omega_\mu-\Omega_\nu$, and

$\displaystyle \Omega_l = 2 \epsilon \sum_\mu W^{l \mu}_{l \mu} A_\mu^2$ (13)

is the nonlinear frequency shift arising from self-interactions.

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Dr Yuri V Lvov 2007-01-23