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Generating functional.

Introduction of generating functionals often simplifies statistical derivations but it can be defined differently to suit a particular technique. For our problem, the most useful form of the generating functional is

$\displaystyle Z^{(N)} \{\lambda, \mu \} =
{ 1 \over (2 \pi)^{N}} \langle
\prod_{l \in {\cal B}_N } \; e^{\lambda_l A_l^2} \psi_l^{\mu_l}
\rangle ,$     (10)

where $\{\lambda, \mu \} \equiv \{\lambda_l, \mu_l ; l \in {\cal
B}_N\}$ is a set of parameters, $\lambda_l {\cal 2 R}$ and $\mu_l
{\cal 2 Z}$.

{\cal P}^{(N)} \{s, \xi \} =
{1 \over (2 \pi)^{N}} \sum_{\{...
...\delta (s_l - A_l^2) \, \psi_l^{\mu_l}
\xi_l^{-\mu_l} \rangle
\end{displaymath} (11)

where $\{\mu \} \equiv \{ \mu_l \in {\cal Z}; {l \in {\cal B}_N }
\}$. This expression can be verified by considering mean of a function $f\{A^2,\psi\}$ using the averaging rule (1) and expanding $f$ in the angular harmonics $\psi_l^m; \; m \in
{\cal Z}$ (basis functions on the unit circle),

\begin{displaymath}f\{A^2,\psi \} = \sum_{\{ m \} } g\{m, A\}
\, \prod_{l \in {\cal B}_N } \psi_l^{m_l},
\end{displaymath} (12)

where $\{m\} \equiv \{ m_l \in {\cal Z}; {l \in {\cal B}_N } \}$ are indices enumerating the angular harmonics. Substituting this into (1) with PDF given by (12) and taking into account that any nonzero power of $\xi_l$ will give zero after the integration over the unit circle, one can see that LHS=RHS, i.e. that (12) is correct. Now we can easily represent (12) in terms of the generating functional,
{\cal P}^{(N)} \{s, \xi \} =
\hat {\cal L}_\lambda^{-1}
...da, \mu\}
\, \prod_{l \in {\cal B}_N } \xi_l^{-\mu_l} \right)
\end{displaymath} (13)

where $\hat {\cal L}_\lambda^{-1}$ stands for inverse the Laplace transform with respect to all $\lambda_l$ parameters and $\{\mu \} \equiv \{ \mu_l \in {\cal Z}; {l \in {\cal B}_N }
\}$ are the angular harmonics indices.

By definition, in RPA fields all variables $A_l$ and $\psi_l $ are statistically independent and $\psi_l $'s are uniformly distributed on the unit circle. Such fields imply the following form of the generating functional

\begin{displaymath}Z^{(N)} \{\lambda, \mu \} = Z^{(N,a)} \{\lambda \}
\, \prod_{l \in {\cal B}_N } \delta(\mu_l),
\end{displaymath} (14)

Z^{(N,a)} \{\lambda \}
\prod_{l \in {\cal B}_N } ...
...mbda_l A_l^2} \rangle
= Z^{(N)} \{\lambda, \mu\}\vert _{\mu=0}
\end{displaymath} (15)

is an $N$-mode generating function for the amplitude statistics. Here, the Kronecker symbol $\delta(\mu_l)$ ensures independence of the PDF from the phase factors $\psi_l $. As a first step in validating the RPA property we will have to prove that the generating functional remains of form (15) up to $1/N$ and $O({\epsilon}^2)$ corrections over the nonlinear time provided it has this form at $t=0$.

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Dr Yuri V Lvov 2007-01-17