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Scaling Predictions

A renormalized WT theory derived in [#!prk:awttf!#] predicts that significant three wave interaction should occur in a band
\vert k\vert \le k_{\mathrm{knee}} \sim N \sqrt{\epsilon}
\end{displaymath} (9)

on a time scale
T_{3} \sim \epsilon^{-3/2}.
\end{displaymath} (10)

This theory only applies when the lattice size is large enough ( $ N
\gg \epsilon^{-1/2} $) and the number of initially excited modes is an order unity fraction of the knee width $k_{\mathrm{knee}}$, so that the renormalized energy spectrum remains self-consistently of order unity during this phase of evolution.

A useful statistical measure for our purposes is the spectral entropy, defined as

S (t) = -\sum_k \frac{E_{h,k}(t)}{E_h(t)}

This provides a measure of the effective number of excited normal modes at any given time, $n_{\mathrm{eff}}(t) \equiv
e^{S(t)}$ [#!lc:fpupr!#,#!jdl:ueeoc!#,#!rl:etnlh!#,#!vvm:cbfce!#,#!pp:swtsr!#]. Figure 3 shows rescaled plots of this spectral entropy as a function of time. The onset of the quasi-stationary phase, after the end of the three-wave evolution, is clearly evident. The knee width $k_{\mathrm{knee}} \approx
1.5 N \sqrt{\epsilon}$ is determined as an average of $ n_{\mathrm{eff}}$ over a time window shortly after the entropy ends its rapid rise. This scaling relationship is robust against various choices of initial bandwidth excitations. The time to reach partial equipartition $ T_3 $, however, does depend sensitively on the choice of initial data. As discussed above, the WT theory producing the scaling prediction (10) assumes the initial data is excited over a band of wavenumbers which is an order unity fraction of the knee width. To test the prediction (10), then, we choose the system to have initially $ \frac{1}{2} k_{\mathrm{knee}}\approx 0.75 N \sqrt{\epsilon} $ excited modes. (The evolution depicted in Figure 1 comes from initial data of this form, whereas the example in Figure 2 was initialized with a considerably smaller band of excited modes). The time scale $ T_3 $ for the system to reach partial equipartition is determined automatically as the first time at which $ n_{\mathrm{eff}}(t) $ achieves the value $ k_{\mathrm{knee}}= 1.5 N \sqrt{\epsilon}$.

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Dr Yuri V Lvov 2007-01-17