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Linear theory without a condensate

Linearizing the GP equation, to investigate the behavior of wavepackets $ \psi$ without the presence of a condensate, we obtain the usual linear Schrödinger equation:

$\displaystyle i \partial_{t}\psi + \triangle \psi -U\psi = 0,$ (3)

where $ U$ is a slowly varying potential. Let us apply the Gabor transformation to ([*]). Note that the Gabor transformation commutes with the Laplacian, so that $ \widehat{\Delta \Psi}=\Delta
\hat{\Psi}$. Also note that

$\displaystyle \widehat{U\Psi}\simeq U \hat{\Psi} + i (\nabla_x U)\nabla_k\hat{\Psi},$

where we have neglected the quadratic and higher order terms in $ \epsilon$ because $ \Psi$ changes on a much shorter scale than the large scale function $ U$. Combining the Gabor transformed equation with its complex conjugate we find the following WKB transport equation,

$\displaystyle D_{t}\vert\hat{\psi}\vert^{2} = 0,$ (4)


$\displaystyle D_{t}\equiv \partial_{t} + \dot{\vec{x}}\cdot\nabla +\dot{\vec{k}}\cdot\partial_{k},$

represents the total time derivative along the wavepacket trajectories in phase-space. The ray equations are used to describe wavepacket trajectories in $ (\vec{k},\vec{x})$ phase-space,

  $\displaystyle \dot{\vec{x}} = \partial_{k}\omega,$ $\displaystyle \dot{\vec{k}} = -\nabla\omega.$ (5)

The frequency $ \omega$, in this case, is given by $ \omega = k^{2}+U$, (again we use the notation $ k=\vert\vec{k}\vert$). Equations ([*]) and ([*]) are nothing more than the famous Ehrenfest theorem from quantum mechanics. According to ([*]), the wavepackets will get reflected by the potential at points $ r_{R}$ where $ U(r_{R})
= k^{2}_{max}$. We will now move on to consider linear wavepackets in the presence of a background condensate.

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Dr Yuri V Lvov 2007-01-23