
  1. V.E. Zakharov, V.S. L'vov and G. Falkovich - Kolmogorov Spectra of Turbulence.

  2. Sergey Nazarenko, ``Wave Turbulence'', Springer, 2011. Excellent modern book on Wave Turbulence, page 68-69 for general overview of the field

  3. A.J. Majda, D.W. McLaughlin, and E.G. Tabak - A One Dimensional Model for Dispersive Wave Turbulence. J. Nonlinear Sci. Vol. 6: pp. 9-44 (1997).

  4. Yuri V. Lvov and Sergey Nazarenko - Noisy spectra, long correlations, and intermittency in wave turbulence. Physical Review E 69, 066608 (2004).

  5. Doctoral Thesis of Dr. Boris Gershgorin, available at
  6. Landau, The Theory of Elasticity, paragraph 26, anharmonic oscillations.

Dr Yuri V Lvov 2019-08-29