Grade Policy

Homework projects 30 % + two best Midterm Exams 35 % + Final Exam+ 35

Optional, subject to availability: Final Project +10 %

“Cell Phone” usage in class -5 percent of the final grade

I will assign a grade based on the following:
$90\le g\le 100$ is A
$80\le g<90$ is B
$70\le g<80$ is C
$67\le g<70$ is D
$g<67$ is F

Grades modifiers will be used: $0\le g\le 3$ is “-”, $3<g\le 6$ has no modifier, $6<g$ is “+”.

There is no “make up” policy for homeworks or exams.


Late Homeworks: 10 % off per each full 24 hours. This policy is strictly enforced

I did hear stories about dogs eating homeworks.

Please submit HW via LMS

There is no “make up” policy for homeworks or exams.

Time line for final project:

To be eligible for final project your grade, with out the final project, should be A,B or C.
