1. 4.2

    (a) Eigenvalue $3$ with eigenvector $(1,1)$ and eigenvalue $-2$ with eigevector $(-1,4)$

    (b) Eigenvalue $5$ with eigenvector $(1,-1)$ and eigenvalue $-1$ with eigenvector $(7,-1)$.

    (c) The matrix is deffective with eigenvalue $1$ and eigenvector $(1,1)$.

    (d) The eigenvalues are $(7+ sqrt{13})/2$, $(7- sqrt{13})/2$ and $1$ with corresponding eigenvectors $(0,(-3+ sqrt{13})/2)$, $(0,(-3- sqrt{13})/2)$ and $(1,0,0)$.

    (e) Eigenvalues are $(29+\sqrt{65})/2$, $16$ and $(29-\sqrt{65})/2$ with corresponding eigenvectors $((-7+\sqrt{65})/4,1,0)$, $(0,0,1)$ and $((-7-\sqrt{65})/4,1,0)$.

    (f)Eigenvalues are $(5+\sqrt{5})/2$, $(5-\sqrt{5})/2$ and 0 with eigenvectors $(0, (-1+\sqrt{5})/2,1)$, $(0, (-1-\sqrt{5})/2,1)$ and $(1,0,0)$.

  2. 4.4

    It is easier to work with $4\times 4$ or $6\times 6$ matrix first to gain intuition. For example, type in matlab

    In what follow, we assume that $n$ is even.

    To find eigenvalues, write $det(A - \lambda I) =0. $. To calculate this determinant, expand it in the first raw. The second $(n-1)\times(n-1)$ determinant should be expanded in the last raw. The result is

    $\displaystyle (\lambda-a)^n - (\lambda-a)^{n-2}=0.$

    The roots of this are $\lambda=a$, and $\lambda=a\pm 1$.

    To calculate eigenvectors, write $A x = \lambda x$ in components.

    The eigenvectors corresponding to $\lambda=a$ are

    $\displaystyle \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ 1 \\ \dots \\ 0 \\ 0\\ 0 \end{bmatrix},$

    $\displaystyle \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ \dots \\ 0 \\ 0\\ 0 \end{bmatrix},$

    $\displaystyle \dots $

    $\displaystyle \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ \\ 0 \\ \dots \\ 0 \\ 1\\ 0 \end{bmatrix}.$

    The eigenvector corresponding to $\lambda = a+1$ is

    $\displaystyle \begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \dots 1 \end{bmatrix}.$

    Similarly, the eigenvector corresponding to $\lambda = a-1$ is

    $\displaystyle \begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \dots \\ 0\\ -1 \end{bmatrix}.$

  3. 4.5

    (a) Let ${\bf A} = (a_{ij}), i = 1\dots n, j=1\dots m$. Then ${\bf A}^T = (a_{ji})$.

    The product of matrices ${\bf C}= (C_{ij})$ and $D=(d_{ij})$ is given by

    $\displaystyle {\bf C}\cdot {\bf D} = ( \sum\limits_{k=1}^n a_{i k} b_{k j}).$


    $\displaystyle {\bf A} \cdot {\bf A}^T =(\sum\limits_{k=1}^n a_{i k} a_{j k}),$

    which is $i\to j$ symmetric.

    (b) Denote the eigenvector $x$ to be $x=(x_i)$ and using Rayleigh quontient, we write

    $\displaystyle \lambda=\frac{ x*T {\bf {A}} x}{x^T x} =
\frac{\sum\limits{ i j k...
= \frac{\sum\limits_{k=1}^n
(\sum_i( a_{i k} x_i)^2)}
{\sum\limits_{i}x_i^2}.$ (44)

    Since the numerator and denominator are the sum of squares, they both are positive, and thus $\lambda$ is also positive.

    (c) The eigenvalues of ${\bf A}+\mu{\bf {I}}$ are $\lambda_i + \mu$. We showed in (b) that $\lambda_i$ are positive, and since $\mu$ is assumed to be postive, the sum is positive. Therefore the eigenvalues of ${\bf A}+\mu{\bf {I}}$ are positive.

    (d) We now write the Rayleigh quontient in vector form, substituting ${\bf A} = {\bf B} {\bf {B}}^T$ so that

    $\displaystyle 0=\lambda=\frac{ x*T {\bf {A}} x}{x^T x} =
\frac{ x*T {\bf {B}^T} {\bf {B}} x}{x^T x} .$ (45)

    Therefore, since ${x^T x}>0$ for nonzero $x$, we obtain that either ${\bf {B}} x=0$ or $x^T {\bf {B}}^T =0$.

    (e) If columns of ${\bf B}$ are linearly independent, then there are no ${\bf x}$ such that ${bf B}{\bf x}=0$. Then due to (b) above all eigenvalues are positive, and thus the ${\bf A}$ are positive definite.

  4. 4.19

    (a) The power will fail since it will not be able to “decide” whether to converge to eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue $2$ or $-2$. The resulting vector will therefore converge to the linear combination of the two eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalue $2$ and $-2$.

    (b) Consider the matrix $B = A+10 I$, and use power method and inverse power method to compute eigenvalues $2$ and $-2$.

    (c) Consider the eigenvalues $1$ and $2$. Their ratio is $1/2$ and adding any positive $s$ would decrease the ratio to $(1+s)/(2+s)$. Now consider the eigenvalues $-2$ and $2$. Their absolute ratio is $1$. Adding any positive $s$ will make the ratio to be $\vert s-2\vert/(s+2)$. Any $s$ smaller than $2$ would decrease the ratio from one to zero. So adding $s$ makes one ratio worse, and another better. The optimum is where both ratios are as small as possible, i.e. they are equal, that is

    $\displaystyle (1+s)/(2+s) = (2-s)/(s+2),\ \ 0<s<2.$

    The solution to this is $s=1/2$.

  5. 4.27

    This is a cool problem. The code that implements power iterations, inverse power iterations and power iterations with a shift is given below.

    Note that for the million times million matrix one does not need to form the matrix $A$. Instead, it is enough to store the vector $X$ and perform operations on the $k$ and $k\pm 1$ elements.

    %First Question of this problem is to write power method for this matrix
    n=100;format long;
    A = diag(MainDiagonal,0)+diag(SuperDiagonal,1)+diag(SuperDiagonal,-1);
    x =rand(n,1);
    while norm(yold-ynew)>1e-100
    %fprintf("Counter=%d Lambda= %f old = %f new=%f \n",Counter,lambda,norm(yold),norm(ynew))
    fprintf("Largest Eigenvalue is given by = %f\n",lambda);
    %Second Question of this problem is to write INVERSE power method for this matrix
    while norm(yold-ynew)>1e-100
    %fprintf("Counter=%d Lambda= %f old = %f new=%f \n",Counter,lambda,norm(yold),norm(ynew))
    fprintf("Smallest Eigenvalue is given by = %f\n",lambda);
    B = A -100*eye(n,n);
    while Counter<10
    %fprintf("Counter=%d Lambda= %f old = %f new=%f \n",Counter,lambda,norm(yold),norm(ynew))
    fprintf("Eigenvalue closest to 100 is given by = %f\n",lambda+100);
    %Fourth question is to consider 10^6 times 10^6 matrix
    n = 10^6;
    y0 = rand(10^6,1);
    while norm(yold-ynew)>1e-100
    ynew(1) = yold(1)+yold(2);
    ynew(n) = yold(n-1)+pi*n*yold(n);
    for k = 2:n-1
    	  ynew(k) = k*yold(k) + yold(k-1)+yold(k+1);
    %fprintf("Counter=%d Lambda= %f old = %f new=%f \n",Counter,lambda,norm(yold),norm(ynew))
    fprintf("Million Over Million Largest Eigenvalue is given by = %f\n",lambda);

  6. 4.23


    $\displaystyle \pm 10 \sqrt{10405.0} \simeq \pm 1020.049018429996823846313$

    $\displaystyle 510+100\sqrt{26.0}\simeq 1019.9019513592784830028224,$

    $\displaystyle 1020=1020.$

    So there are four eigenvalues close by absolute value to $1020$.

    (b) Power method will fail since four eigenvalues are very close to each other, and $(1020/ 1020.05)^2 \simeq 0.999902$, which is very close to 1

    (c) If you do a shift, and $\omega=-1$, then the dominant eigenvalue is

    $\displaystyle 10 \sqrt{10405.0} +1 \simeq \pm 1021.05.$

    (d) The next biggest eigenvalue in the shifted matrix will be $1021$, so the error will be reduced each time by

    $\displaystyle (1021/1021.05)^2 \simeq

    Now solve

    $\displaystyle 0.999902^n = \frac{1}{10},$

    which gives $n=23494$.

    (e) To converge to $10 \sqrt{10405.0}$ one can choose $\omega=-1$. Then the eigenvalue $10 \sqrt{10405.0}+1$ will be the dominant one, so power method will converge to it.