Grade Policy, Homework, Exams

Take all your quizzes, remove the worst one, average the result.

Take your three midterms and quiz averages computed above, remove the worst number, average the result.

Take the resulting number, multiply it by 0.7 and add your final, multiplied by $0.3$.

Alternatively, take the resulting number, multiply it by 0.8 and add your final, multiplied by $0.2$.

Your numerical grade is the larger of the two numbers.

Extra Credit : Final Project, 10 percent, limited availability.

I will assign a grade based on the following:
$90\le g\le 100$ is A
$80\le g<90$ is B
$70\le g<80$ is C
$64\le g<70$ is D
$g<66$ is F

Grades modifiers will be used: $0\le g\le 3$ is “-”, $3<g\le 7$ has no modifier, $7<g$ is “+”. Homeworks and exams may contain problems for extra-credit.

There is no “make up” policy for homeworks or exams.

Midterm make up policy The make up policy for the missed midterm is a Russian-style oral exam on the material covered. You are randomly given one paragraph title to present, and, after given time to prepare (20 minutes or so), you present the material of that paragraph to the professor. You are asked questions to probe the level of your understanding, and then you are given a problem to solve.